Persistent cyber threat management

Persistent threat-discovery, threat-watch and threat-processing for Business Owners, Technology Teams and Security Teams seeking practical cyber-risk management and reduction.


Persistent, regular cyber threat discovery

Threat Patrols provides well known threat-discovery engines that can be run at hourly to monthly intervals to suit your threat-management requirement; have us manage your threat-landscape discovery for you, or manage it yourself using our API.

Learn about Threat Discovery 

“Our security-engineers spent months developing systems to reliably invoke scanners and poll threat-data sources watching for changes and indicators of threat; we can now achieve the same thing and more with a few Threat Patrols API calls.“


scanners are more awesome when automatically scheduled with alerts for threat landscape change.

Persistent, regular known cyber threat watch

Organisations have known cyber-threats and cyber-risks that are outside their immediate control or remit. Threat Patrols makes it possible to threat-watch these cyber threats and receive alerts when changes occur. Threat Watch provides you with verifiable, independent forensic data capture of tracked items for later reference.

Learn about Threat Watch 

“Threat Watch means we are able to independently watch and verify the progress of our phishing domain takedowns and track the status of third-parties that have an impact on our cyber threat landscape.“


your known cyber threats and independently collect forensic data for later reference.

Cyber threat case processing

Many organizations lack capacity to appropriately handle threat cases even when relatively benign. Threat Patrols provides clients with capacity to receive threat case reports; determine and track observables from report artifacts; optionally report to authorities, agencies and exchanges; track and internally report cases until satisfactorily closed.

Learn about Threat Processing 

“Closing the loop on our simple staff phishing activity has given us the operational know-how to be prepared for larger events. Staff know where to direct threat information and Threat Patrols provide independent oversight that ensures we appropriately close out threat-cases.”


threat-cases in a timely manner limits the recurrence of threat actor abuse.

Rapid Security Reviews

We have many years of knowledge, experience and know-how in conducting rapid cybersecurity reviews to help organizations quickly understand their cybersecurity posture. Our real-person consultants are actively engaged in cybersecurity engineering projects, have experience with many technology vendors and have a keen awareness of open-source tools and non-vendor approaches.

Integrate with your technology

The Threat Patrols platform is built on APIs that make integration with your technologies possible. We are happy to help and assist if you need a hand.